Motivation of students towards the use of technology for learning of mathematics
Motivación hacia el uso de la tecnología para el aprendizaje
Keywords: Attitudes, factor analysis, university students, mathematics, technology, Actitudes, análisis factorial, estudiantes universitarios, matemáticas, tecnologíaAbstract
This work describes the construction and validation of a questionnaire to study the motivation towards mathematics and its learning with the use of technology. A component analysis is carried out from its application to 229 students of Agricultural Engineering, in Computer Systems and Computation and Networks of the State University of the South of Manabí. A survey was applied to evaluate four different aspects of students' motivation towards the use of technology in the process of teaching and learning of mathematics, which we consider important: usefulness of technology in mathematics, motivation of students for Implementation of technology in mathematics, non-usefulness of technology in mathematics, and student results regarding the learning of mathematics with the use of technology. The factorial analysis of the questionnaire results in a five-factor model as the most representative, with a residual factor and four relevant factors. This analysis confirms the congruence of the questionnaire with the initial approach and proves its reliability and internal consistency. The internal consistency analysis by factor allowed us to identify that the first four factors of the model found for our study are relevant. The latter can be considered as a residual factor, since it has a low internal consistency. In general, the four relevant factors that have emerged from the factor analysis show the congruence of the questionnaire with the established structure, which sought to evaluate the four initial factors.
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