Quantitative reasoning and learning styles in higher level students


  • Raquel Vera Velazquez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
  • Washington Narváez Campana Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí́
  • Kirenia Maldonado Zuñiga Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí́
  • Carlos Alberto Castro Piguave Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí́




learning; higher education; reasoning, learning styles.


The research was carried out at the State University of the South of Manabí, Agricultural Career with the objective of determining the existence of a relationship between the employability of quantitative reasoning and the learning styles of the students who entered the first and second semesters in the PI 2021 period. The research was of a non-experimental type, with a cross-sectional correlational design and a descriptive method in the form of surveys. The population consisted of 520 students and with proportional stratified probabilistic sampling, 221 were obtained. The instruments for data collection of the quantitative reasoning variable were a questionnaire made up of twelve statements and measured according to a Likert scale, and for the variable style of learning, the Honey-Alonso learning style questionnaire (CHAEA) was used. Both instruments were validated by expert judgment and subjected to a reliability test. For the quantitative reasoning questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha test was used (α = 0.762) and for the CHAEA questionnaire the Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) test was used, obtaining values ​​of 0.625 (active), 0.641 (reflexive), 0.585 (theoretical) and 0.612 (pragmatic). For the variables, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used.It is concluded that there is no statistical evidence of a relationship between the reasoning or quantitative and the four learning styles of the students incorporated into the Agricultural career except for a weak relationship with the pragmatic style in the students of second A and B.


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How to Cite

Velazquez, R. V., Narváez Campana, W., Maldonado Zuñiga, K., & Castro Piguave, C. A. (2024). Quantitative reasoning and learning styles in higher level students. Sinapsis, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v25i2.834
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