Gamification: Methodological strategy for literacy skill development




Keywords: Playful learning; methodological strategies; gamification; reading-writing; digital resources.



Gamification: Methodological strategy for literacy skill development

The inadequate use of gamification strategies in educational environments limits the correct performance of children in reading and writing skills; therefore, this research addresses the contribution of gamification strategies in the development of reading and writing skills. The work was based on a descriptive qualitative-quantitative approach, applying the instruments of an interview to an expert, a survey to 25 teachers and an observation rubric to 40 third grade students. Analytical, deductive and statistical methods were used to collect and process information. The results showed that by implementing gamification, the learning of reading and writing is at a satisfactory level; however, its implementation is scarce in the educational practice of the teachers under study. In fact, gamification strategies applied to the reading and writing skills generate a positive impact, allowing the teacher to increase attention and motivation in the learning process of the students, valuing their effort and generating an environment conducive to teamwork, so it is necessary that the educator is immersed in the digital context to raise their skills.


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Español Español, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo


Gamification: Methodological strategy for literacy skill development

The inadequate use of gamification strategies in educational environments limits the correct performance of children in reading and writing skills; therefore, this research addresses the contribution of gamification strategies in the development of reading and writing skills. The work was based on a descriptive qualitative-quantitative approach, applying the instruments of an interview to an expert, a survey to 25 teachers and an observation rubric to 40 third grade students. Analytical, deductive and statistical methods were used to collect and process information. The results showed that by implementing gamification, the learning of reading and writing is at a satisfactory level; however, its implementation is scarce in the educational practice of the teachers under study. In fact, gamification strategies applied to the reading and writing skills generate a positive impact, allowing the teacher to increase attention and motivation in the learning process of the students, valuing their effort and generating an environment conducive to teamwork, so it is necessary that the educator is immersed in the digital context to raise their skills.


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How to Cite

Pin Neira, M. C., & Carrión Mieles, J. E. (2022). Gamification: Methodological strategy for literacy skill development. Sinapsis, 21(1).



Social Sciences and Education
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