Determination of the physical and chemical properties of the agricultural soils of the El Esfuerzo parish of the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas canton

Determination of the physical and chemical properties of agricultural soils


  • Raquel Vera Velazquez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
  • Wilfrido Del Valle Holguín Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
  • Ricardo Iván Pallarozo Loor Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
  • Katherine Isabel Duma Muñoz Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí



project, cultivation, cocoa, plants, soil


The project was developed in the El Esfuerzo parish of the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas canton, prepared by the students of the third semester of the Agricultural career, carried out as an integrating project of knowledge established in each semester in the redesign of the career, where all subjects contribute to the development of research. The objective of the research was to determine the physical and chemical properties of the agricultural soil of the El Esfuerzo parish of the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas canton. This project is of qualitative and explanatory origin, because it is a non-experimental investigation, the descriptive method was also used, which intervenes in an important way, with it it seeks to specify the properties, the most important characteristics of groups, communities or any other phenomenon to undergo an analysis. The analysis reflected that the organic matter is low and that the pH is acidic, the soil is sandy, silty and clay loam. The pH level of the parish soil is 5.8%, that is, it has a pH with a medium level of acidity, which would affect the availability of nutrients and the growth of the cultivated plantation such as cocoa. The chemical elements of the soil of the parish turned out to be composed of the following nutrients. Iron with 200% Fe, Copper has Cu 9.6%, Ammonium Nitrate has NH 11%, Phosphorus with P10% e, Calcium has 5%, Zinc has Zn 3.3% and Boron has 0 ,2. 3%.


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How to Cite

Velazquez, R. V., Del Valle Holguín, W. ., Pallarozo Loor, R. I., & Duma Muñoz, K. I. (2022). Determination of the physical and chemical properties of the agricultural soils of the El Esfuerzo parish of the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas canton: Determination of the physical and chemical properties of agricultural soils. Sinapsis, 2(21).
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