El control de la presión arterial y su influencia en el estilo de vida de las personas hipertensas

El control de la presión arterial


  • Reynier García Rodríguez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Portoviejo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4160-5749
  • Leyra Adriana Fonseca Liermo Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana
  • Francisco Dueñas Segovia Instituto Superior Tecnológico Portoviejo
  • Lenin Mauricio Andaluz Granda Instituto Superior Tecnológico Portoviejo




blood pressure, hypertensive person, lifestyle


At an international level, hypertension is a pressing problem and in Ecuador as well, for this reason the article is gestated in the face of the lack of control of hypertension in users and the need to achieve healthy lifestyles that have an impact on hypertensive people. and in the community, in a general sense. The study is part of the research project: "Protected area, Parks La Rotonda and Las Vegas de Portoviejo", as an initiative of the Higher Technological Institute "Portoviejo". The objective was: To make hypertensive people aware of blood pressure control based on a healthy lifestyle. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out during the June-December 2019 semester, with a sample of 500 people between 30 and 80 years of age, all of whom gave informed consent. As an important result, it was possible to identify the main factors for which users suffer from high blood pressure and the reason for lifestyles that are detrimental to comprehensive health, but with an emphasis on blood pressure. It was concluded that hypertension is multicausal, it has been studied by different specialists in the medical area and others, claiming that its control lies in good habits related to food, nutrition, physical exercise, stress reduction and anxiety; tending to a community with a healthy life.




How to Cite

García Rodríguez, R., Fonseca Liermo, L. A., Dueñas Segovia, F., & Andaluz Granda, L. M. (2020). El control de la presión arterial y su influencia en el estilo de vida de las personas hipertensas: El control de la presión arterial. Sinapsis, 3(18). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v3i18.388
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