Las competencias laborales y el cumplimiento del rol de las secretarias
Competencias profesionales
competencias laborales, configuración psicológica, desempeño profesionalAbstract
The research is based on work skills as a psychological configuration, where it is appreciated from the Ecuadorian business context as the integration of four fundamental components: cognitive, motivational-affective, metacognitive and functional; where the center of competition in motivation; It is unique and distinctive, which is the first time in Ecuador that an analysis of such connotation has been made in the business world. The purpose of this article is to analyze the secretary's labor competencies, based on his determination as a psychological configuration and the measurement in practice of its distinctive elements in the secretaries of the May 24 canton of the province of Manabí. Methods of the theoretical order, analysis of synthesis, inductive-deductive and logical historical were used; those that allowed them to dabble in theory and practice. Empirical methods were also used, such as the survey directed at a total of 25 collaborators who are serving as secretaries. As a result, the configuration of the competition was obtained, being preliminarily valued in practice and its relationship with professional performance. It is concluded that the investigation shows the secretary's work competences and the role in his professional performance, as well as the concretion of the professional, business and contextual results: economic, social and cultural of the company. What consequently affects the institutional environment, the degree of satisfaction and motivation of workers, favorable interpersonal relationships and a positive image of the company, community and work context.
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