Diagnosis of teaching digital skills in the unified general high school area





competencias digitales, tecnología de la información y comunicación


Today's world is constantly changing technology. Due to the advancement of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of education. This implies that teachers have a certain degree of knowledge in skills and abilities to improve in various fields of their professional work. The objective of this work was to diagnose the digital competences of the high school teachers of the Ciudad de Pedernales Millennium Educational Unit. The applied methodology is descriptive with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological design with a hermeneutical approach. For the diagnosis, 5 teachers of the Unified General Baccalaureate area were considered, through a non-probabilistic convenience sampling, through the application of techniques such as the survey, unstructured participant observation and unstructured in-depth interview, to demonstrate the level of knowledge in digital skills that teachers have in their praxis. As a result, it was obtained that teachers lack knowledge in digital skills such as the creation, search, management and incorporation of virtual environments in the teaching task, which makes academic development and improvement impossible, which allow greater dynamism through ICT in the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Pinargote Pincay, M. Ángel, & Chancay Cedeño, C. (2024). Diagnosis of teaching digital skills in the unified general high school area. Sinapsis, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v25i2.664
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