a Creative thinking strategies for the design of entrepreneurship projects

Creative thinking strategies


  • Jaime Darío Loor Moreira Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
  • Grace Rodríguez Loor Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo




Design thinking, Project design, entrepreneurship, strategies, creative thinking


Creative thinking consists of the learning that a student obtains through different activities and mental operations, which when implemented in ideation tasks are capable of turning an idea into an entrepreneurial project. The present study aims to analyze the incidence of creative thinking strategies in the design of entrepreneurship projects aimed at high school students from the educational unit "María Piedad Castillo de Levi" in the city of Paján, province of Manabí, Ecuador. The methodology had a non-experimental qualitative and quantitative approach, the implemented technique was the survey applied to 153 high school students who are in the second and third year, and an interview with the vice-chancellor as an authority. The results obtained corroborate that teacher’s work with content that helps them design entrepreneurship projects, especially with brainstorming, and they feel motivated thanks to it, since it makes it easier for them to define a business project. It is concluded that for the application of thinking strategies in the design of entrepreneurship projects, it is essential to have methodologies that enhance the educational process such as design thinking, whose teachings are useful for life and prepare the student as an active and creative person.



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How to Cite

Loor Moreira, J. D., & Rodríguez Loor, G. . (2022). a Creative thinking strategies for the design of entrepreneurship projects: Creative thinking strategies. Sinapsis, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v21i1.610



Social Sciences and Education
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