Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise adaptado para autoevaluación de prácticas clínicas basadas en competencias de enfermería


  • Margoth Elizabeth Villegas Chiriboga Instituto Universitario Italiano de Rosario/Universidad estatal del sur de Manabí
  • Ismael Morales Ojeda Universidad adventista de Chile
  • Roberth Olmedo Zambrano Santos Instituto Universitario Italiano de Rosario/Universidad estatal del sur de Manabí
  • Bárbara Miladys Placencia López Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí



Education, self-evaluation, Mini-Cex


Introduction: The objective self-evaluation of clinical nursing competencies implies applying a valid, reliable and feasible method in identifying the development of clinical practices. In this regard, it is established to adapt the Mini-Cex to the local context to be applied during hospital practices.

Materials and methods: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. A self-assessment was applied to a population of nursing students, using the adapted Mini-Cex instrument. The instrument was validated by teachers and Cronbach's alpha. The self-evaluation was carried out on a scale of 1 - 9. Being 1 - 3 unsatisfactory, 4-6 Satisfactory, 7 to 9 outstanding. The project was evaluated by an ethics committee.

Results: Regarding the percentage of students who obtained an outstanding self-evaluation, the following stand out: competence for communication with 73%; anamnesis and physical exam competence with 68.2%; competence to show professionalism in nursing with 62.3%. The overall proficiency level as a student was 6.39 + 1.99 on average.

Discussion: The Mini-Cex can be applied in students in a valid way, as a self-evaluation in order to promote conscious reflection on the process of training competencies in nursing.

Conclusions: The instrument indicated which were the main competences developed by the students at the same time that it could be validated with respect to the comments of the professionals who used it and the Cronbach's Alpha test.


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How to Cite

Villegas Chiriboga, M. E., Morales Ojeda, I., Zambrano Santos, R. O., & Placencia López, B. M. (2022). Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise adaptado para autoevaluación de prácticas clínicas basadas en competencias de enfermería. Sinapsis, 21(1).



Social Sciences and Education
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