Constructivist teaching-learning methodologies applied to higher education

Constructivist teaching-learning methodologies




Constructivism, teaching-learning, knowledge, methodologies, process


The teaching-learning methodologies used in Higher Education may have different approaches, which are distinguished from each other by the way the student learns. The choice of methodology varies depending on the competences that the teacher wishes to obtain in his students. The constructivist methodology does not have specific forms of teaching, but it does provide elements for analysis and reflection on educational practice. There are many authors who have contributed their ideas and reflections on the subject. This work aims to specify constructivist methodologies for the teaching-learning process in higher education, in order to develop training workshops for teachers on the subject based on the active role of students in the development of the educational teaching process. The research was carried out by means of a descriptive, prospective and quantitative longitudinal study based on inductive and analytical methods, the universe was made up of teachers who participated in the X Scientific Methodological Seminar of the careers of Agricultural Engineering and Computer Engineering and Networks of the State University of the South of Manabí. The results reflect that the indicators of mastery of the constructivist teaching-learning methodologies according to the educational model applied in the university showed difficulties in the adequate application, in the class for a better development of the educational teaching process.


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How to Cite

Vera Velazquez, R., Castro Piguave, C., Estévez Valdés, I., & Maldonado Zúñiga, K. (2020). Constructivist teaching-learning methodologies applied to higher education: Constructivist teaching-learning methodologies. Sinapsis, 3(18).
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