Family functioning and its relation to social interaction in children with the disorder of The Autistic Spectrum
Funcionamiento familiar - interacción social
Family, social interaction, Autistic Spectrum, family functionalityAbstract
The objective of the study was to evaluate the social interaction of boys and girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the "Foundation a place for your dreams" of the city of Portoviejo-Manabí, Ecuador. The focus of this research is qualitative, through the inductive deductive method it establishes a relationship between both variables, supported by the bibliographic and statistical method, the family APGAR instrument and a questionnaire were applied to evaluate the social interaction of the children / the participants. As a result, it was obtained that most of the families have a normal family function and the social interaction of their children oscillates between Good and Fair, indicating that the levels of family functionality and the social interaction of children with ASD are closely related, since the role played by family members is essential for the child's social adaptation.
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