Quantitative-qualitative perspective of continuous training programs in modalities, face-to-face ESPE-MINEDUC and virtual MINEDUC


  • Joe dik González, MSc iess
  • Milton Rodrigo Iza, MSc Profesional independiente
  • Roberth Hernán Bracero, MSc. Profesional independiente




Educational quality, Continuous training programs; Modalities of study


In the following investigation, two realities are confronted; On the one hand, the experience of the Polytechnic School of the Army (ESPE) as a higher education institution executing the continuous training program in face-to-face mode, in agreement with the Secretariat of Higher Education Science and Technology (SENESCYT) and, on the other hand, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MINEDUC), using the new information and communication technologies in the development of continuous training programs, currently executed to train teachers in virtual mode. For the comparison of these two realities resulting from the modalities expressed, it is necessary to apply reagents (surveys) to various actors such as: trained teachers, teachers in the training process and administrators of said programs. Thus, a comparative-qualitative research is carried out with post-test analysis of the study variables. In the results, the researchers discover favorable and unfavorable situations, conditioned in aspects of cultural and ethical nature of the users or trained teachers.


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How to Cite

González, J. dik, Rodrigo Iza, M., & Hernán Bracero, R. (2019). Quantitative-qualitative perspective of continuous training programs in modalities, face-to-face ESPE-MINEDUC and virtual MINEDUC. Sinapsis, 1(14). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v1i14.169
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