Use of Artificial Intelligence with innovative techniques in interlearning in higher education
Use of Artificial Intelligence with innovative techniques in interlearning in higher education
Personalized learning, Instant feedback, Academic performance, Innovative methodologies, Ethical challengesAbstract
In a context of increasing digitization in higher education, the use of artificial intelligence with innovative techniques in interlearning emerges as a promising research area. However, it faces a major weakness due to the lack of preparedness of teachers, mostly with technical backgrounds, to effectively utilize these technologies. This scientific article aims to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the teaching and learning process in higher education, proposing solutions to overcome this weakness. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, as well as case studies and comparative analyses to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of artificial intelligence techniques applied to interlearning. The results show significant improvements in personalized learning, instant feedback, and adaptation to individual student needs. Additionally, the potential benefits of artificial intelligence in enhancing academic performance and student retention are highlighted. The conclusions emphasize the importance of providing adequate training to teachers and addressing ethical challenges associated with the use of artificial intelligence in education, as well as the need for continued research and development of new creative and participatory methodologies. Ultimately, this study offers an innovative perspective on how artificial intelligence can transform the teaching and learning process in higher education, preparing students for an ever-changing digital world.
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