Task-Based Learning to enhance the writing skill of English as a foreign language in tenth-grade students
English; Task-based learning; strategy; writing.Resumo
English is used as an international language to share information, knowledge, culture and communication between people from all over the world. The teaching of any language involves four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) which students should master to become proficient users of the target language. However, writing is seemed as the most difficult and the least attractive for students. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of TBL method to enhance writing proficiency in EFL in tenth-grade at Abdon Calderon Fiscal Educational Unit. A longitudinal study was developed where writing knowledge of students was measure and compared in two different moments, before and after the implementation of a Task-based learning method. A mixed research methodology was applied. A sample of 30 students was randomly selected for this study. Consequently, different mathematical-statistical procedures were used to gather, organize and present information by means of tables. The data were gathered from the written materials produced by the students as a result of task cycles completion. The results showed that the Task-based learning method which was implemented contributed to enhance student writing skills in English as a Foreign Language learning.
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