Descubrimiento automático de un workflow mediante minería de procesos aplicado a la industria atunera
algorithms, automation, fuzzy net, petri net, workflow, Process miningAbstract
The importance of the study is based on setting a starting point for the application of process mining in different areas, to verify if processes are being fulfilled in the best possible way. In this research, the starting point is the determination of objectives, collection and cleaning of information, obtaining the event log, validation of the results, and finally obtaining the ideal flow. The objective is to apply process mining for the automatic discovery of workflow in a tuna company, to identify waiting times and bottlenecks within the business flow. Scientific methods, such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, and induction-deduction, were used to approach the topic and obtain validated results. The discovery process begins with information cleaning, using ETL with Pentaho, until obtaining the model in ProM and identifying existing bottlenecks in the activities. The impact on society is positive due to the contribution of knowledge on process mining and its application in tuna industries. Finally, it is concluded that the application of process mining becomes necessary and essential when analyzing and optimizing business processes, maintaining a competitive advantage in the market and ensuring customer satisfaction. This research is associated with the project methodology of hazards and critical control points applying process mining.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Andrés Villacreses Parrales, Dr. Lenin Jonatan Pin García, PhD
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