Influence Marketing: The role of influencers in marketing on social networks.


  • Edgar Manuel Delgado Quintana



Influencers, influencer marketing, social networks.


This research article analyzes the new perspective of Influencer Marketing, as a marketing tool, being the influencer considered as an opinion leader, who help connect brands with people, to publicize products and / or services. with its target audience, where social networks have evolved over time, to such an extent that it has become one of the new means of direct-to-consumer communication, since it is possible to interact with customers thanks to Smartphones and connectivity to Internet. The methodology used is of a documentary type, where the different positions of the main authors of influencer marketing are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Delgado Quintana, E. M. (2023). Influence Marketing: The role of influencers in marketing on social networks. Sinapsis, 1(22).
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