Educational strategy to reduce school dropout in third-year high school students at the Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez Educational Unit.


  • Juliana del Rosario Bermudez Murillo Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Rolando Alcívar Tinizaray Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Jimmy Zambrano Acosta Universidad Técnica de Manabí



strategies, school desertion, high school students.


School dropout is a phenomenon that has affected society for years, consisting of the interruption or disengagement of students from their studies, it is generated by various causes, and in recent years with the pandemic caused by COVID-19, it has been has increased the abandonment of studies by children and adolescents. In this sense, it is appropriate to carry out an investigation with the objective of proposing educational strategies to reduce school desertion in third-year high school students in the Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez Educational Unit, the same, was framed in a quantitative approach, with a type of study descriptive, using methods such as theory, analysis and synthesis, and inductive-deductive. For the analysis of results, inferential descriptive statistics were used with the support of Microsoft Excel 2019 spreadsheets, there was a sample of 49 third-year high school students from the Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez Educational Unit, the sample will be non-probabilistic under criterion of the researcher and will be of a census type. Among the main results, it is evident that the economic situation, social problems and family problems are the main causes of school dropout, as well as the methodologies used by the teacher, so this research aims to find alternatives in a time determined to reduce student desertion in the aforementioned school and can be extrapolated to other localities and territorial spaces of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Bermudez Murillo, J. del R., Alcívar Tinizaray, R., & Zambrano Acosta, J. (2023). Educational strategy to reduce school dropout in third-year high school students at the Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez Educational Unit . Sinapsis, 1(22).
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