La autodidaxia como estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo de las destrezas de aprendizaje del idioma inglés como segunda lengua


  • José Ricardo Salvatierra Mero Universidad Tecnica de Manabi
  • Jesús Ramón Fernández Leyva Universidad Técnica de Manabí



Autodidact, English language, methods, Abilities, competitive


The present research work was carried out with the students of Pedagogy of national and foreign languages of the la Universidad Técnica de Manabí in the city of Portoviejo with the participation and support of the students of the first semester. 

     The incidence of autodidact as a pedagogical strategy for the development of English language learning skills will be determined. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the centers were forced to close their doors, moving from face-to-face education to virtual classes.

   The application of work tools and techniques to be used effectively in self-learning. In this globalized world, society needs trained and motivated teachers to face the different changes that educational centers are experiencing in the new social realities.

The fundamental objective of the research is that students use the appropriate tools and methods in their self-learning of the English language, the purpose of which is the development of language skills.

     Therefore, a quantitative and qualitative approach was carried out applying research methods (such as the survey) in a population of English language students. The investigation presented favorable results that show the efficacy and appreciation by those surveyed.


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Print version ISSN 0123-3432

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Empleo de estrategias de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras: inglés Volumen 13. Número 2. Diciembre 2014

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Fuente:[Fecha de consulta: 17/05/2018].2Fuente:[Fecha de consulta: 17/05/2018].

TIC en la enseñanza y auto-aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los estudios de educación superior

Martínez Narváez, Joram. (Marzo 03-2008), Teoría del aprendizaje y desarrollo de Vygotsky,

se basa principalmente en el aprendizaje sociocultural de cada individuo y por lo tanto en el

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How to Cite

Salvatierra Mero, J. R., & Fernández Leyva, J. R. (2022). La autodidaxia como estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo de las destrezas de aprendizaje del idioma inglés como segunda lengua. Sinapsis, 2(21).
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