Evaluación de las competencias digitales en un ambiente universitario
Competencias digitales, Modelo DIGCOMP, Educación Superior, UniversidadesAbstract
Objective: Traditionally, competency assessment models dedicated largely to informational competencies dedicated to assessing levels of information literacy (IL) have been applied, mainly in academic environments. With the development of computerization processes, the use of digital skills and their evaluation have been imposed, even in non-academic environments. The aim is to create and apply an instrument for evaluating digital skills based on the European DIGCOMP model. Methodology: The characteristics of the DIGCOMP model, developed in the "European Framework for Digital Competences", are presented. Empirical level methods were applied for their selection and application, such as; the documentary study as well as the interview with directors and main specialists of the Ministry of Higher Education. The historical background of models and tools implemented in the last decade were also studied in order to detect their validity. Results: It is concluded that the development in information and communications technologies has imposed the need for changes in the traditional models and instruments implemented for the diagnosis of competencies for not presenting the relevance and importance of the prevailing digital ecosystem at the international level that enhances the access, processing, protection and use of the necessary information in our higher education system. In the work, the DIGCOMP model is used because it is very complete and versatile. On it, a digital skills self-assessment instrument is designed and applied to university students. Conclusions: In the study carried out, the DIGCOMP model was implemented to diagnose the state of digital skills, since it is considered very versatile and complete to carry out studies of them in different environments. On this occasion, a study was developed in a university academic environment under the self-assessment modality. Value: The identification of the Areas and the descriptions of the specific competences of the DIGCOMP model relevant for the evaluation of university professors and students will allow the development of a specific instrument for the evaluation of digital competences.Downloads
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