Evaluation of the environmental impact of the waste produced in mechanical workshops in Jipijapa

Evaluación del impacto ambiental





fossil fuels, biological diversity, filtrations, lubricants, mitigation


This research presents the result of a project developed at the State University of the South of Manabí developed in the months of January to March of 2017 in the city of Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador. This research aims to evaluate the environmental impact produced by the generation of waste, both solid and liquid, in the mechanical workshops of Jipijapa. The following scientific methods were used in the study: observation, interview, documentary analysis, analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction. Visits were made to all active workshops in the canton. The main results stand out that the pollutant load of each of the workshops was determined and the conditions were created to develop a plan of mitigation measures that, once implemented, reduce the impact on the environment in the city. It was possible to draw the attention of the authorities to this environmental problem and it was determined that the waste is discharged without control in the surrounding areas, endangering the health of people and biological diversity in the area.


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How to Cite

Molina Toala, G. E., Orlando Indacochea, N. F., & Lima- Pisco, R. J. (2020). Evaluation of the environmental impact of the waste produced in mechanical workshops in Jipijapa: Evaluación del impacto ambiental. Sinapsis, 3(18). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v3i18.432
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