Curso de Administración de Redes utilizando antiguas técnicas y modernos medios
Curso de Administración de Redes
educación a distancia, educación en línea, curso de administracíon de redesAbstract
Educational modalities based on any of the forms of e-learning, acquire more and more relevance in today's society, because on the one hand and from the economic point of view, they are available to millions of people on the planet, and on the other, they eliminate the space - time barriers that any type of teaching course or activity implies; However, there are still subjects and courses that are eminently practical, and that their correct learning traditionally implies pre-essentiality, accompanied by the traditional practical activities with essential equipment and devices to complete their adequate learning. The idea of teaching a completely distance course, of administration and network services, a subject with the characteristics described above, aimed at professionals from the different universities and centers attached to the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) of Cuba, arises to respond to the need to improve the level of preparation of the specialist specialists who are engaged in the activity described; and the novelty of this experience lies in the use of two virtual platforms: one, based on a content management system, for communication, administration and supply of materials, activities, exams, etc., and the other, more novel, consistent in a huge virtual platform, which contains networks and IT devices (routers, switches, etc), so that each student of the course can have their own networks, routers and experimental servers, conditioned in an ideal way and with less economic resources, the acquisition of practical skills that this science demands. These platforms, based entirely on virtual devices and resources, facilitated access to students through remote terminals, from any workstation connected to public networks. It is concluded by highlighting the high level of satisfaction, learning and skills acquired by students, and the transformation of the course into a distance diploma course is recommended, aimed at anyone who wants to work as a network administrator in any of the entities attached to the MONTH .
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