Adaptaciones curriculares en la asignatura de estudios sociales en estudiantes con trastorno auditivos


  • Rosa Genoveva De La Torre Mendoza autora
  • Jennifer Katherine Rodríguez Bravo Unidad Educativa 13 de octubre
  • Guido Alejandro Cusme Solórzano Unidad Educativa 13 de octubre
  • Freddy Mauricio Vera Montesdeoca Unidad Educativa 13 de Octubre



The problematic question was the methodological deficiencies in the teaching of Social Studies with students with hearing problems of the Educational Unit October 13 of the Bolívar canton, Province of Manabí, in Ecuador. The objective was to determine the appropriate methodologies for teaching Social Studies in students with hearing problems, with the support of technological information and communication resources through the appropriate application of pedagogical strategies to achieve integral people. The study was descriptive, analytical, with the inductive and deductive theoretical method, using language and sign strategies, to capture the attention of the student with hearing problems. Likewise, strategies were used to maintain their attention, and strategies to maintain communication and other aspects of interest that benefited communication in the classroom. The study concluded that the methodologies for working with Special Educational Needs constitute a deficiency that affects the learning of the person who has it, prevents it from developing within an educational context under normal conditions and, therefore, it is essential that Receive differentiated support.


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How to Cite

De La Torre Mendoza, R. G., Rodríguez Bravo, J. K. ., Cusme Solórzano, G. A. ., & Vera Montesdeoca, F. M. . (2022). Adaptaciones curriculares en la asignatura de estudios sociales en estudiantes con trastorno auditivos . Sinapsis, 21(1).



Social Sciences and Education
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