Evaluación de la gestión administrativa de la Coordinación Académica del Curso de Nivelación DANU-ULEAM 2017 (2) desde la perspectiva docente


  • Joe dik González Profesional independiente
  • Johny Rodriguez niversidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí




Academic coordination, leveling course, management evaluation, counterweights, quality


This work bases its actions on the evaluation carried out by the teaching staff on the management of the Academic Coordination, in which the following aspects will be analyzed by means of three sections: Strengthening in values ​​developed by the institution; the management that the institution gives to academic conflicts; the generation of spaces for joint work; actions to integrate student diversity; timely attention to teachers; in the same way a space is opened for those who evaluate the Academic Coordination to establish recommendations. It is used as an instrument for collecting information to the survey, designed this, according to evaluation criteria determined in consensus by the Academic Coordination team. A qualitative-quantitative-descriptive-taxonomic work is developed, with analysis of each of the variables. The results show aspects that would impede the development of quality, however, the management of strategies such as counterweights, allow the overcoming of several problems, encouraging their feedback with the possibility of emulation in other organizations


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How to Cite

González, J. dik, & Rodriguez, J. (2020). Evaluación de la gestión administrativa de la Coordinación Académica del Curso de Nivelación DANU-ULEAM 2017 (2) desde la perspectiva docente. Sinapsis, 3(18). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v3i18.204
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