Gestión docente en el aula y desarrollo de habilidades blandas en estudiantes de básica media



  • Eliana Palma García. Ing. Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
  • Lubis Zambrano Montes. PhD. Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo



Soft skills: Teacher management: Teaching competencies: Creative strategies: Educational strategies


The development of soft skills, such as effective communication, empathy, and teamwork, is essential for student training and influences their success both academically and professionally. This study aims to analyze the impact of classroom management on the development of these skills in students from Circuit 07 in the canton of El Carmen, in the Republic of Ecuador. The research adopts a qualitative-quantitative approach, with a descriptive and exploratory nature. Data collection involved surveys administered to teachers and non-participant observation of students. Results indicate a recognized importance of soft skills; however, their active promotion within the classroom remains limited. Observations revealed that students are trained within an educational approach centered on behaviorism, resulting in a lack of confidence and security in expressing their ideas. It is concluded that the mechanisms used by teachers for classroom management do not align with an education that addresses students' emotional development, which would enhance their capacities for lifelong learning.


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How to Cite

Palma García. Ing., E., & Zambrano Montes. PhD., L. (2024). Gestión docente en el aula y desarrollo de habilidades blandas en estudiantes de básica media: español . Sinapsis, 25(2).
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