Teaching role for the development of innovative and multidisciplinary methodological strategies in oral expression

Teaching role for the development of innovative and multidisciplinary methodological strategies in oral expression


  • Mishell Alejandra Arcos Aguilar Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
  • Cinthya Game Varas, PhD. Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo




Docente creativo, estrategias innovadoras, expresión oral, multidisciplinariedad.


Teachers play a crucial role in developing creative and multidisciplinary strategies that strengthen students' oral expression and academic training. This study aims to analyze the teaching role for the development of innovative and multidisciplinary methodological strategies in oral expression of the basic elementary sublevel of the “Semillitas De Dios” Educational Unit of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. The research had a qualitative approach, it is descriptive and field-based, to collect the information, observation and a survey were applied to teachers. The results obtained show the need to implement innovative strategies that integrate various disciplines, contributing not only to the development of oral expression, but also to the cognitive, emotional and social development of students. The observation carried out revealed that teachers occasionally implement innovative multidisciplinary activities, this is due to factors such as lack of time and resources, which limits the adequate development of children's oral expression. Based on the aforementioned, it is concluded that teachers have a fundamental role in facilitating learning, for this reason there is a need to promote multidisciplinary and innovative strategies that contribute to the comprehensive development of students.


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How to Cite

Arcos Aguilar , M. A., & Game Varas, PhD., C. (2024). Teaching role for the development of innovative and multidisciplinary methodological strategies in oral expression: Teaching role for the development of innovative and multidisciplinary methodological strategies in oral expression. Sinapsis, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v25i2.1127
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