The role of language and communication evaluation in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's: Development of speech therapy tools and strategies


  • Frank Angel Lemoine Quintero Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Lirianeth Socorro Crespo Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Yisenia Dominguez Martínez Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba



Alzheimer's; Speech therapy; study; diagnosis; Baracoa


This study addresses the importance of speech therapy intervention in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's through quantitative and qualitative research. It was structured in two phases: the first, a diagnosis to evaluate the knowledge and importance perceived by speech therapists in the intervention in patients diagnosed with or with a tendency to Alzheimer's according to medical prescription; the second, investigative actions to develop effective strategies that improve the health of said patients. Using the logical theoretical method, Alzheimer's was analyzed as a statistically representative disease in the population, addressing deficiencies and absences in speech therapy intervention. The population under study consisted of 30 speech therapy specialists in educational centers, 18 being selected through simple random sampling on days with greater work attendance. A survey divided into two parts was applied: the first to verify the profile of the respondent and the second with seven questions using the Likert scale. Data processing was carried out with SPSS version 26 software, evaluating the reliability of the instrument through Cronbach's Alpha and analyzing the correlations between the elements to interpret the results and the commitment of the participants. The results revealed a moderate to high consistency in the evaluations of the importance of knowledge of Alzheimer's and its diagnosis using speech therapy tools. This underlines the need for specific training in speech therapy and the development of effective strategies for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's, thus improving the intervention and the health status of patients.


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How to Cite

Lemoine Quintero, F. A., Socorro Crespo, L., & Dominguez Martínez, Y. (2024). The role of language and communication evaluation in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s: Development of speech therapy tools and strategies. Sinapsis, 25(2).
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