"Teaching strategies based on the inverted pyramid for the teaching and learning of mathematics."
Inverted pirámide., Learning by the teaching., Vigostsky Theory., Math.Abstract
Unlike the traditional approach, where the teacher explains the concepts downward, the reverse pyramid changes the order of instruction. In this model, students receive study materials, such as explanatory videos, readings, exercises and activities guides, before the face-to-face class. This allows them to become familiar with the topics to be dealt with and take an active role in their own learning. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the system of teaching and learning of mathematics in the 8th year of basic education of the Special Educational Unit "Technological Manabí" of Portoviejo, Ecuador, has been modified with educational innovation and the implementation of new strategies and one of them is the reverse pyramid, the following work presents this new methodology that contributes to instruct and explore new forms of education that can be adapted to the needs of each student. The objective of the research conducted at the institution was to assess the level of knowledge and understanding that teachers possess about the use of different didactic strategies with topics related to the teaching of mathematics and the knowledge that they had about the reverse pyramid. The type of qualitative research, with a non-explanatory approach and a descriptive scope, is applied to a sample of 15 teachers. Within the results we can highlight that teachers provide additional support or specific training to implement such a strategy. It is concluded that the proposed teaching strategy should be applied to all teachers and generalized to the rest of the teachers in the institution.
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