Diagnóstico entorno al uso de herramientas tecnológicas en estudiantes de educación básica


  • Lisseth Jacqueline Santamaría Espinoza Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Oscar Barzaga Sablón Universidad Técnica de Manabí




Palabras claves: Aprendizaje: Diagnóstico: Enseñanza: Entorno: Herramientas tecnológicas.


The use of technological tools at the present time is very common, since the situations that have occurred worldwide have caused this type of material to be used permanently, focusing on its proper use and its adequate application in the classroom, for Therefore, the development of this research work aims to analyze the use of technological tools to contribute to the teaching-learning process of basic education students of the Sagrada Familia Educational Unit, in the Portoviejo canton. To achieve this purpose, an investigation was carried out with a qualitative – quantitative approach, it was exploratory, using inductive, deductive, analytical and synthetic methods, in addition to the empirical one, since a survey of teachers and an observation sheet were used for students. students, to assess the degree of use of technological tools. The results show that the diagnosis around the use of these tools is deficient in both teachers and students, because many lack them and there is no constant practice in the classroom, therefore, students do not give it the utility. appropriate to this type of tools to develop meaningful learning. It is concluded that teachers have difficulties in the use of this type of technological tools and therefore do not motivate their students to use them, because many have little knowledge about these tools.


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How to Cite

Santamaría Espinoza , L. J., & Barzaga Sablón, O. (2022). Diagnóstico entorno al uso de herramientas tecnológicas en estudiantes de educación básica. Sinapsis, 2(21). https://doi.org/10.37117/s.v2i21.719
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