Perception of the teaching context by first-year veterinary science teachers at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, R. Argentina


  • Antonio E. Felipe Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Esperanza
  • Paola Fascendini Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Esperanza
  • Stella Maris Galván Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Esperanza



Contexto de enseñanza, docentes, ciencias veterinarias


The conceptions of teaching and learning are related to the perception that teachers have of the context in which the educational process takes place. The objective of this work was to characterize the perception of the teaching context of the teachers of the first year of the Veterinary Medicine degree in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, R. Argentina. To do this, a sample made up of 18 teachers was interviewed using a semi-structured instrument. The sample was non-probabilistic, prioritizing the representativeness of all disciplines, regardless of the teaching category and time commitment. Of the five dimensions of the teaching context, this study addressed those corresponding to the degree of control or flexibility they have over what they teach, the number of students per course to achieve an interaction that they perceive as adequate, the support given by the institution to the teaching activity, and the workload allocated to academic work as teachers' perception of a balanced balance against other tasks. All the teachers affirmed that they have the freedom to organize their teaching and agreed that the number of students taking the first year subjects is very high. Most of the interviewees highlighted as a key factor in their work context, before and during the pandemic, the accompaniment of their colleagues and interdisciplinary work. They considered the institutional accompaniment adequate and proposed improvement strategies.



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How to Cite

Felipe, A. E., Fascendini, P., & Galván, S. M. (2022). Perception of the teaching context by first-year veterinary science teachers at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, R. Argentina. Sinapsis, 2(21).



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