Role of motivational theories in the study of consumer behavior.

Rol de las teorías motivacionales dentro del estudio del comportamiento del consumidor


  • Edgar Manuel Delgado Quintana 1177



Theories of motivation, consumer behavior, marketing.


In this research article, the role of the main motivational theories is reviewed, within the study of the consumer, analyzing the causes and effects, both internal and external, of motivation. The methodology used is of a documentary type, where the different theories and positions of the main authors of motivation in relation to consumer behavior are analyzed. Marketers use these theoretical models of the motivational approach to design their strategies, which are reflected in the marketing plan, to achieve the business objectives of companies.


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How to Cite

Delgado Quintana, E. M. (2022). Role of motivational theories in the study of consumer behavior.: Rol de las teorías motivacionales dentro del estudio del comportamiento del consumidor . Sinapsis, 2(21).



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