Resiliencia en adolescentes con ideación suicida


  • Neycer Bladimir Aldaz Garcia Ninguna Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Gustavo Rafae Escobar Delgado Universidad Técnica de Manabí



Suicidi, Ideación suicida, Adolescentes


The following study is focused on the identification of suicidal ideation in 100 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 16 years from the fiscal educational unit "José Joaquín de Olmedo" in the city of Portoviejo, province of Manabí, Republic of Ecuador. The study is descriptive, with analytical-synthetic methodology, two instruments were used with a high level of reliability: Beck's scale of suicide ideation and the SV-RES test of Saavedra and Villalta. Thus, 30% of the adolescents evaluated presented suicidal ideation, while 70% had an average resilience, which means an adequate capacity to face adversities; and 36.66% of adolescents had a low level of resilience, that is, a low capacity to face adversities. The different stages of suicide are distinguished and the different factors present in suicidal ideation are evaluated, taking into account their variables. The resilient levels presented by students with suicidal ideas are categorized, determining the state of risk in which they find themselves. In this context, the study strengthens the mental health and psychosocial aspects, promoting the need for a more attentive and extensive observation of the ideas presented by adolescents; furthermore, it identifies the direct and indirect predisposing factors that lead to suicidal ideation.


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How to Cite

Aldaz Garcia, N. B., & Escobar Delgado, G. R. (2020). Resiliencia en adolescentes con ideación suicida. Sinapsis, 3(18).
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