The strategic institutional communication for the positioning of the image through public relations
La comunicación estratégica institucional
communication, campaigns, advertising, positioningAbstract
The present investigation was carried out with the objective of identifying the fundamental elements in the development of institutional communication strategies to position the image of the ULEAM extension Bahía de Caráquez, being a descriptive research; both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The perception of institutional communication in the university community was studied, where students, teachers, administrative and service personnel were evaluated; it was necessary to investigate the type of campaigns that are applied when information is disseminated through the media and as a result, the mailing campaigns were obtained. Among the main techniques used can be cited: bibliographic review, observation, sampling, survey, interview, internal and external communication matrix, in turn, reliability and validity analysis, data were processed through SPSS 21 software , to then be analysed and interpreted, the most efficient elements in institutional communication campaigns were identified; Finally, a proposal was made that states how an institutional communication strategy should be developed and the process to disseminate it through emails.
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