Think aloud to promote oral fluency


  • Maria Rossana Ramirez Avila, MEd Universidad Casa Grande, Departamento de Posgrado. Guayas – Ecuador
  • Evelyn Carolina Macías Silva, Lcda. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Departamento de Inglés



EFL learning-teaching process in Ecuador is becoming challenging due to the standards established by the Education authorities. Thus, schools look for new instructional designs that help teachers improve their practices and benefit students. This innovation was implemented to enhance students’ speaking lengths by using think-aloud protocols. Previous studies conducted in the same institution aimed at the development and application of five reading subkills. These subskills were meant to be consolidated with the implementation of this innovation. This action research involves analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Results indicated that there was little improvement in students’ speaking length and accurateness. This might be due insufficient time and spaces to practice in class. An important finding was that students’ written use of reading subskills was longer and students applied technical discourse. 

Autor:  Hermencia Carmen Guaranguay, MSc
Co – Autores:    Lilia Sánchez, MSc.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Ramirez Avila, M. R., & Macías Silva, E. C. (2018). Think aloud to promote oral fluency. Revista Científica Sinapsis, 1(12).



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