Social media in the reading comprehension of students in high school


  • Magaly Alejandra Rodriguez Meza Universidad Tecnica de Manabi
  • Carlos Humberto Chancay Cedeño Universidad Técnica de Manabi


Palabras clave:

Social networks, secondary students, reading comprehension, social networks


The use of social media has been increasing rapidly over the past few years. There has been a significant increase in the use of social networks by students and in educational society. The use of social networks has had a positive impact on society. With the help of the Internet, all social sites and various applications are available that can be easily accessed. They also allow users to chat and interact with each other and create, edit, and share new forms of textual, visual, and audio content. It has a vital influence on our lives as it helps a lot in all fields of life. As time goes by, and with the misuse of social networks, people have begun to have a negative impact when reading because the language has been altered thanks to the poor use of grammatical rules. Today, we are absorbed with unhealthy addictions in recent events through applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook and TikTok. A sample of Sixty-nine first-year high school students (between 15-17 years old), 6 English teachers. Different research methods were used, such as surveys and interviews, as well as mathematical-statistical procedures for collecting, organising and presenting data using tables. The data were collected and processed with the help of a quantitative questionnaire and the Academic Motivation Scale.


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Cómo citar

Rodriguez Meza, M. A., & Chancay Cedeño, C. H. (2024). Social media in the reading comprehension of students in high school. Revista Científica Sinapsis, 24(1).
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