Revista Sinapsis. Vol. 1, Nro 22, junio de 2023, ISSN 1390 – 9770
yuca es base de emprendimientos, de baja tecnología e inversión, es el objetivo principal que
tienen el siguiente proyecto de investigación, de dar a conocer las potencialidades
agroindustriales que tiene este producto agrícola, en generar sub productos con mayor valor
agregado. Aparte de ser preparaciones culinarias (cocida, frita o troceada), se usa para producir
chifles, y su harina, carente de gluten, se emplea en la preparación de bollería, aglutinante en
embutidos, espesante, productos dietéticos, materia prima en la industria textil, en la industria
de pegantes, bases para tintas, pinturas, bioetanol, entre otros.
Palabras clave: producción industrial, beneficios de la yuca, producción agrícola,
sostenibilidad alimentaria.
This article aims to identify, through documentary research and field research, by-products of
cassava processing that can constitute local enterprises. Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is one of
the crops that is harvested in the Manabita field, produced by small producers, generally for
self-consumption, mainly in the coastal and Amazon regions. Consumed since pre-Hispanic
indigenous times, it now constitutes an important and cheap source of energy. Yucca is a
euphorbiaceous plant, whose fruit is a tuberous, cylindrical and oblong root. The root is
perishable and breaks down quickly due to its high starch content. Its pulp is inedible due to its
toxic components, which originate hydrocyanic acid, so its processing is crucial, since it
contains a cyanogenic glycoside called linamarin that produces hydrocyanic acid (Ceballos &
De la Cruz, 2005). As an alternative for peasant family production in the country, INIAP
developed a new variety of cassava INIAP Portoviejo - 652 "La Rendidora". Due to its optimal
sensory characteristics such as sweet taste, firm and soft texture, this variety was developed for
fresh production and consumption. Likewise, thanks to its high dry matter content (36%), it
also has great agro-industrial potential. Great applicants are the picanteries that prepare onion,
which prefer these varieties because they are firmer and do not "fade." Cassava processing is
the basis of low technology and investment ventures, it is the main objective of the following
research project, to publicize the agro-industrial potential of this agricultural product, to
generate sub-products with greater added value. Apart from being culinary preparations
(cooked, fried or chopped), it is used to produce chifles, and its gluten-free flour is used in the
preparation of pastries, a binder in sausages, a thickener, dietary products, raw material in the
textile industry, in the industry of glues, bases for inks, paints, bioethanol, among others.