Revista Sinapsis. Vol. 1, Nro 22, junio de 2023, ISSN 1390 – 9770
(equivalence of 508/1000 points) (Gómez, et al., 2012). A similar situation was observed
in 572 students of the finance and accounting degree at the University of Sevilla in Spain,
where the mean admission score was 5,8/10 points (equivalence of 580/1000 points)
(Jiménez, et al., 2015).
The average of the general academic performance of the students in the different
academic periods (18,42 points), as well as the average of the students who present an
excellent academic performance (19,08 points) is higher than what was observed in a
study in an Ecuadorian military training institute in the first military year, where they
obtained 17,81/20 points, and in the second year 18,29/20 points, likewise, to what was
observed in a study in medical students of the University of Azuay in Ecuador, which was
found at 18,23/20 points (Muñoz and Zambrano, 2020; Alvear, 2014).
Likewise, a higher average was obtained than what happened in the students of the
Universidad Veracruzana de México, where an average of 77,24/100 points (equivalence
of 15,45/20 points) was observed (Chain, et al., 2003; Jiménez, et al., 2015).
The correlation of the academic admission tests with the excellent academic
performance of the students of the technology career in military sciences in the first
academic period (F: 0,193, p: 0,000), second academic period (F: 0,179, p: 0,000 ), third
academic period (F: 0,216, p: 0,000) and fourth academic period (F: 0,193, p: 0,000),
show a low direct statistically significant correlation, likewise, the correlation of physical
admission tests with an excellent academic performance of the students in the first
academic period (F: 0,082, p: 0,017), second academic period (F: 0,065, p: 0,046) and
third academic period (F: 0,098, p: 0,005) evidence likewise, a low statistically significant
direct correlation.
Situation that differs from what was observed in a study in aspiring soldiers of an
Ecuadorian military training institute, where the academic admission tests are moderately
correlated with the academic performance in the first military year (F: 0,539, p: <0,05)
and a low direct correlation with the second military year (F: 0,0397, p: <0,05) (Muñoz
and Zambrano, 2020). Likewise, similar to the correlation observed in students of the
finance and accounting degree at the University of Sevilla in Spain (F: 0,439) (Jiménez,
et al., 2015), and in contrast to what was observed in a study at the Technical University