ISSN 2773-7705
Periodo. Julio – Diciembre 2022
Vol.7, Nro.2, Publicado: 2022-12-31
Google Académico, Elsevier,
Medigraphic, Publisher, Dialnet, Science
Direct, entre otras. Se obtuvo como
resultados diferentes tipos de transmisión,
en los cuales destaca la transmisión por
transfusión sanguínea y relaciones
sexuales de riesgo. Entre las
consecuencias de la hepatitis viral más
notorias se encuentran la cirrosis hepática
y el desarrollo de carcinoma hepatocelular.
La prevalencia de los distintos tipos de
hepatitis viral demostró que la Hepatitis
viral tipo B con 13,4% y C con 41,5% son
las más prevalentes en toda Latinoamérica.
Finalmente, la hepatitis viral prevalece a
nivel mundial afectando principalmente a
países Latinoamericanos como Brasil,
Colombia, Perú, México, Argentina, entre
otros, transmitiéndose por vía fecal-oral y
principalmente por la sangre causando
cirrosis hepática, hepatomegalia,
esplenomegalia, entre otras.
Palabras claves: Hepatitis, transmisión,
viral, epidemiologia, prevalencia,
Viral hepatitis is a main cause of liver
diseases in Latin America, which are
transmitted by the fecal-oral route and by
blood; They are also characterized by
causing hepatocellular necrosis and
inflammation. The objective of the study is
to indicate the forms of transmission,
consequences and prevalence of viral
hepatitis. The methodology used for the
study was a documentary, descriptive and
explanatory review using 58 articles
related to the subject in information
sources from scientific databases such as
Scielo, PubMed, Google Scholar, Elsevier,
Medigraphic, Publisher, Dialnet, Science
Direct, among other. Different types of
transmission were obtained as results, in
which transmission by blood transfusion
and risky sexual relations stand out.
Among the most notorious consequences
of viral hepatitis are liver cirrhosis and the
development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
The prevalence of the different types of
viral hepatitis showed that viral hepatitis
type B with 13.4% and C with 41.5% are
the most prevalent in all of Latin America.
Finally, viral hepatitis prevails worldwide,
mainly affecting Latin American countries
such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Mexico,
Argentina, among others, being
transmitted by the fecal-oral route and
mainly through blood, causing liver
cirrhosis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly,
among others.